Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What was I thinking?

Hey all! So I don't know if y'all know this, but Amazon buys your old cell phones in exchange for an Amazon gift card for the value! Fast forward to about 6 months ago, I was surfing Pinterest (the usual) and decided I needed a sewing machine. I found one at a local GoodWill for around $30, which I thought was a great deal. It was clearly from the 80's and the vintage look of the machine originally drew me in...until I took it to a sewing machine repair shop who said it would cost almost double what I paid for the machine for a tune-up. With that being said, I ended up donating the machine to an auction for a good cause. I still had some money from selling my old cell on Amazon, so I read reviews, and purchased a brand new sewing machine! About 2 months ago, I found a sewing class at a local high school for $58 for an 8 week class...not bad! Needless to say, I had no clue how to use that machine; I hadn't even opened the box until about 5 minutes before leaving for the first class. The class was taught by the high school's actual sewing instructor, who has 35 years of experience! It was encouraged to bring our own sewing machines, but I was the only one in class who did that. First class consisted of the basics; learning to wind a bobbin, thread the machine, etc. Because I was on my own machine, I was always about three steps behind because everyone else was using the same machines. Trial and error occurred, and I finally figured it out (about 45 minutes later!) Once class was wrapping up, we were instructed to come next week with a project we were hoping to make by the end of class. Because I am a Pinterest fangirl, I had seen the hype of t-shirt quilts; seemed so easy and such a wonderful way to preserve memories (and clear out some drawers in my dresser!). So I did my research and started collecting my materials. I want to make this its own separate post, complete with pictures, so I can post it and link my blog on Pinterest, so this is where I will end this entry and the next post will be of my experience, and a DIY for those brave enough to take on this project. Tootles!


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